Goshen Health Cervical Cancer Awareness Billboard

Entrant Company

SFC Group


Advertising - Billboard

Client's Name

Goshen Health

Country / Region

United States

This year, an estimated 14,100 women in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer and over 4,000 will die of the disease. With regular screenings and HPV vaccination, cervical cancer is nearly 100% preventable and treatable. Since cervical cancer is the only gynecologic cancer that has recommended screening tests, Goshen Center for Cancer Care wanted to focus on the importance of cervical screening targeting all women aged 21-65 within a 50-mile radius of Goshen Hospital. The goal was to drive referrals to the Goshen Center for Cancer Care and identify more cervical cancers in the community early when more curative treatment options are available. However, as any woman knows, a Pap test isn't something one likes to think about—so, many don't.

Working with a modest $45,000 budget for the entire campaign, we needed to be highly creative and strategic in communicating that Pap tests are not scary. Rather, they are key to staying healthy and well, and it’s important not to put them off. We created a journal ad pairing the recognizable teal ribbon with a showstopping headline and a memorable URL: “PapASAP.com.” The catchy campaign lent itself beautifully to the simplicity needed for an attention-grabbing billboard with the URL doing double duty as the call to action urging women to get a Pap ASAP.


Executive Creative Director & Art Director / SFC Group
Brian Zandman
Rob McMichael
Integrated Marketing
navify Brand - the one digital brand of Roche Diagnostics

Entrant Company



Integrated Marketing - Brand Transformation / Repositioning

Country / Region

United States

Interior Design
Astro Amenities

Entrant Company

Min Jin Kook


Interior Design - Interior Design / Others__

Country / Region

United States

Marketing Campaign
Goshen Health Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign

Entrant Company

SFC Group


Marketing Campaign - Integrated Marketing Campaign

Country / Region

United States

Video, Commercial & Film
Saliva Self-Collection IFU - Flambeau RapidX

Entrant Company

Halteres Associates


Video, Commercial & Film - Consumer Health Product / Services

Country / Region

United States