Get Well Emergency Department and Inpatient Care Engagement Solution

Entrant Company

Get Well


Provider & Services - Patient Engagement

Client's Name

Palomar Health

Country / Region

United States

In 2023, Get Well, the global leader in digital patient engagement, unveiled its Emergency Department & Inpatient Care Engagement Solution. The new solution was launched in partnership with emergency department leaders at Palomar Health in San Diego, California.

Today, 65 percent of hospital admissions come through the emergency department and the median length of stay is 246 minutes. As emergency departments continue to face overcrowding and longer boarding times, hospitals are faced with patient communications and overall experience challenges. Further, the proliferation of point solutions across different settings confuse patients and frustrate overburdened care teams.

Leveraging the revamped GetWell mobile experience, the new Get Well Emergency Department & Inpatient Care Engagement Solution provides digital patient activation, triage, education, entertainment, discharge care transitions, and monitoring for hospital settings. Key features include:

-An end-to-end mobile-first patient experience including personalized welcome information, care team details, symptom monitoring and real-time feedback

-AI-driven SMS texting

-Consumer-grade self-service including relaxation and entertainment

-Patient education via health videos and medication library

Palomar Health launched the Get Well Emergency Department & Inpatient Care Engagement Solution in early 2023. To date, overall patient activation following the launch has increased 3X and Palomar Health plans to continue partnering with Get Well as the company releases further updates to its Emergency Department & Inpatient Care Engagement Solution.


Palomar Health
Tracy Page
Get Well
Todd Strickler
Get Well
Megan Mancini
Future Innovation Design
Safe Vibes

Entrant Company

Miami Ad School


Future Innovation Design - Accessories

Country / Region

United States

HER Disease

Entrant Company

AML Communications Limited


Advertising - Billboard

Country / Region

United Kingdom

Marketing Campaign
1MD Nutrition Giving Tuesday / Black Friday Campaign

Entrant Company

1MD Nutrition


Marketing Campaign - Marketing Campaign / Others__

Country / Region

United States

Video, Commercial & Film
The Power of Knowing: The Value of Clinical Labs

Entrant Company

Halteres Associates


Video, Commercial & Film - Public Service & Activism

Country / Region

United States