Comprehensive , Patient centered care

Entrant Company

Healthcare Professional


Provider & Services - Healthcare

Client's Name

Country / Region

United Arab Emirates

A project designed, implemented by a Physician, to serve high quality, patient centered, value based, system oriented healthcare services. Using “ Desgin thinking”, & stakeholder oriented framework to build resilient systems & communities. It spans from all stakeholders in healthcare before interacting with each-other . Building awareness, through advocacy & advising health leaders & policy makers, up to raising awareness about health, care services in the public & community engagement with the health provider. Moving to journey inside the healthcare organization, that involve high value, patient safety, “Good Clinical & Evidence based Practice”, where system, process & quality improvements is crossing all phases of care. Including the social responsibility of the providers , to serve as advocate to the patients, setting with community for engagement, through utilizing “ Medicine, Art & science dialogue “, to empower the public. Moving to utilizing technology advances into transforming care through

Healthcare innovation & Entrepreneurship .

First pillar of the comprehensive care program is providing excellent patient experience. Where she has worked at reputable government organizations such as, SEHA, ASPEN MEDICAL for more than 8 years of cooperate healthcare experience. Dr Mena has managed > 1000 cases in primary & tertiary care, successfully conducted quality & system improvements of > 8 projects. During COVID-19, she has successfully managed Infected cases and 3 vaccination projects in across emergency departments, quarantine facilities, field hospitals.

The second pillar of comprehensive care program is Dr Mena efforts in empowerment initiatives, such as ( Mental health awareness & stigma break , women health , trauma informed integrated care and youth empowerment in Education & Employment ). She has collaborated with reputable institutes, such as Abudhabi Center, SEHA, Youth federation & UAE ‘council, Abdualla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education, Dubai business women council & Canadian business council, as providing awareness in healthcare, Healthcare consultant and business development advisor, providing “virtual care services”. Part of her CSR initiatives is educating women about importance of exercise in their health as being a community runner physician and attending Running marathons.


DBWC - healthcare consultant
Menatalla Elmadany
Technology Solutions
World's First Digital Autism Therapy Decision Platform

Entrant Company

Health Innovation Platform Inc.


Technology Solutions - Education Solution

Country / Region


Technology Solutions

Entrant Company

Advanced Medical Strategies LLC


Technology Solutions - Big Data Solution

Country / Region

United States

Provider & Services
UPMC Health Plan Take a Healthy Step 2024 Wellness Program Templates

Entrant Company

UPMC Health Plan, Insurance Services Division


Provider & Services - Wellness

Country / Region

United States

Video, Commercial & Film
What is IgA nephropathy (IgAN)? | Rare Kidney Disease

Entrant Company

American Kidney Fund


Video, Commercial & Film - Educational

Country / Region

United States